•  13/04/2025 11:00 - 13/04/2025 01:30
  •   45 Rue du Borrégo, 75020 Paris, France

Teacher: Myriam Audin.

  •  18/05/2025 10:00 - 18/05/2025 12:15
  • Online Event

Teacher: Myriam Audin.

  •  11/07/2025 09:00 - 14/07/2025 14:00
  •   Marcillac-Vallon, France

Organized in collaboration with the Lusine association: 4 days of Feldenkrais in group classes and individual lessons with three certified teachers (Delphine Girard, Violaine Guillerm and Myriam Audin)

  •  09/02/2025 10:00 - 09/02/2025 12:15
  • Online Event

Teacher: Violaine Guillerm. Some lessons in Awareness through Movement to understand the mobility of the trunk which allows free and efficient movements of our four limbs.

  •  31/01/2025 10:30 - 02/02/2025 13:45
  • Online Event

3 mornings of online training with Paul Newton, experienced international trainer

  •  12/01/2025 10:00 - 12/01/2025 12:15
  • Online Event

Teacher: Myriam Audin. Midline and centering

  •  08/12/2024 10:00 - 08/12/2024 12:15
  • Online Event

Teacher: Myriam Audin. It is through our spine that the forces that hold us in the field of gravity are transmitted. When we are in action, it is the spine that is at the center of our movements. How can we find solid support while maintaining all the flexibility and lightness possible in our movements? This is what we will approach during this online course consisting of lessons in Awareness through Movement.

  •  13/10/2024 11:00 - 13/10/2024 17:00
  •   45 Rue du Borrégo, 75020 Paris, France

Enjoy a Sunday in Paris to immerse yourself in the Feldenkrais method with a 5-hour course of Awareness through Movement lessons. We will focus on creating a connection and flexibility between the toes and ankles and highlighting their role in standing posture.

  •  15/08/2024 09:00 - 18/08/2024 17:00
  •   Marcillac-Vallon, France

! In collaboration with the Lusine association! In depth, soften, recharge, breathe! On the road to Soulages, between Rodez and Conques, personalized and collective Feldenkrais practice, walks and museums, swimming and abbey, this stay offers to maintain and deepen the unity of oneself. With certified Feldenkrais practitioners Delphine Girard, Violaine Guillerm and Myriam Audin Practical information: Delphine 06 81 08 33 93

  •  10/07/2024 11:00 - 12/07/2024 17:00
  •   45 Rue du Borrégo, 75020 Paris, France

Three days of exploration, research, (de)construction of your self-image gently through lessons of Awareness through Movement and an introduction to touch using the Feldenkrais Method. 10am-4pm with a one-hour lunch break. Teacher: Myriam Audin, certified Feldenkrais practitioner

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  •  25/05/2024 10:30 - 26/05/2024 13:45
  • Online Event

The solution is in your hands! Repetitive stress syndrome, elbow pain, shoulder pain, and neck pain are challenges that many people face. In this online course, together we will explore different Mindfulness Through Movement lessons that help clarify the connections between the hand, wrist and shoulder, revealing how we can function effectively and how what we pay attention to when we move, can lead to more comfort in our personal journey towards better well-being.

  •  09/04/2024 10:30 - 11/04/2024 16:30
  •   45 Rue du Borrégo, 75020 Paris, France

How We Humans Learn to Move in Space Each individual goes through fundamental learning processes to master the ability to move in space and gravity. In this course, you will approach from a Feldenkrais point of view the different stages that each individual must take to master one of the fundamental functions of life: self-propulsion. A deeper understanding of this learning process helps you develop or regain your movement skills.

  •  16/03/2024 09:30 - 16/03/2024 12:30
  •   5-7 Place Armand Carrel, 75019 Paris, France

During these open days on the theme of skeletal strength, (re)discover classic lessons in Awareness through Movement as well as a demonstration of Functional Integration with a volunteer. We will answer all your questions regarding the Feldenkrais Method and professional practitioner training. Bring your sleeping mat and a folded blanket or bath towel for head support. Teacher: Myriam Audin

  •  10/02/2024 10:00 - 11/02/2024 13:15
  • Online Event

PCM video weekend with Paul Newton, international trainer of the Feldenkrais Method Times: 10 a.m. - 1:15 p.m. Saturday February 10 and Sunday February 11

  •  21/01/2024 11:00 - 21/01/2024 17:00
  •   Paris, France

Staying on the theme of balance and freedom of the head, Anne Candardjis takes you further in exploring the play of gravitational and anti-gravitational forces. To respond to the “From head to toe” course last December, you will explore the opposite path: from feet to head!

  •  10/12/2023 11:00 - 10/12/2023 17:00
  •   45 Rue du Borrégo, 75020 Paris, France

This one-day course focuses on the freedom of the head and all the elements that make it possible. The course is recorded, you will receive the recordings afterwards. Mats are provided, bring your own blanket. Price: €88 / €78 Registration: myriam@cff-paris.com 06 95 96 56 18

  •  18/11/2023 09:30
  •   5-7 Place Armand Carrel, Paris, France

You don’t know the Feldenkrais method yet? This is the opportunity to discover it and to discover yourself through gentle movements, guided orally, which make you aware of the way you use yourself in action. The question of symmetry will be at the center of this introductory course. The course at the Council Room of the 19th Town Hall is free and open to all, regardless of your physical condition (disability situation or confirmed athlete). 9:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. If you are already used to the Feldenkrias method, this course is for you too! The course will be simultaneously translated into English. Bring your sleeping mat and a folded bath towel or blanket for head support. Teacher: Myriam Audin

  •  23/10/2023 10:00 - 25/10/2023 17:00
  •   45 Rue du Borrégo, 75020 Paris, France

With Anne Candardjis, certified Feldenkrais Method trainer, dancer and choreographer

  •  21/10/2023 09:30
  •   5-7 Place Armand Carrel, 75019 Paris, France

During these open days on the theme of shoulder freedom, (re)discover classic lessons in Awareness through Movement as well as a demonstration of Functional Integration with a volunteer if you wish. We will answer all your questions regarding the Feldenkrais Method or professional practitioner training. Teacher: Myriam Audin Bring your floor mat and a bath towel or folded blanket to support your head.

  •  09/09/2023 10:00 - 09/09/2023 12:30
  •   43 rue du Borrego, 75020 Paris, France

The blooming lower back for a mobile neck: 2h30 course consisting of two group lessons of awareness through movement

  •  29/07/2023 10:00 - 29/07/2023 12:30
  •   43 rue du Borrego, 75020 Paris, France

For work or for leisure, we spend a large part of our days in a seated position. There are all sorts of theories on the "right way" to sit: a more or less high seat, using the backrest or not, "gainer"... And if our sitting depended on the organization of the skeleton in the field gravity?

  •  24/06/2023 14:00
  •   145 Rue de Belleville, Paris, France

Myriam Audin, professional violinist and certified Feldenkrais practitioner, invites you to this three-hour workshop consisting of Awareness Through Movement group lessons that will highlight: the hand as an integral part of the arm and rib cage, stability and the flexibility of your structure to accommodate the instrument, the role of the imagination in movement and in instrumental playing. Bring your instrument, a blanket or bath towel, your curiosity and your questions!

  •  10/06/2023 14:30
  •   14 Rue Joseph Bara, Tours, France

In this three-hour course, you will become aware of the link between breathing, stability and flexibility. At first, the breathing movements in different planes will make you aware of your structure. Once this has been clarified, the proposed movements will allow the release of breathing in all its possible spaces. A questioning of dogmas and received ideas on the "good ways" to breathe...